“I cannot see the Importance of Jesus”

If you weigh up all the evidence you will see that the Christian story is true.

1. Jesus really did exist and claim to be God, the Saviour of the world.

2. He did do remarkable miracles - even his opponents agreed to that.

3. He did rise again from the dead - and his disciples gave their lives confirming this.

4. The Old Testament prophecies accurately predict that Jesus is God’s Messiah and these could not be fulfilled by anyone else.

5. When we listen to what Jesus taught, it does have ‘that ring of truth’.

These and other arguments are discussed in the book, ‘Stepping Stones to Faith’.

Why cannot everyone see the importance of this? If these evidences are true then he really is God’s Messiah who has entered his world. If these are true we will all have to face him in judgment; our eternal destiny is at stake. So not to even bother about him is very foolish indeed.

Some years ago, a man was standing on a soap box at Hyde Park Corner, trying to ridicule the Christian message. “People tell me God exists, but I cannot see him. People tell me that that there is life after death - but I cannot see it. People tell me there is a judgment to come - but I cannot see it. People tell me there is a heaven and a hell - but I can’t see them.”

There was a slight ripple of applause as he climbed down. Another man then struggled up on to the soap box and said, “People tell me there is green grass around - but I cannot see it. People tell me there is a blue sky above but I cannot see it. People tell me there are trees nearby but I cannot see them; it is because I am blind!”

An ancient English proverb says, ‘There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know.’


The King and His Kingdom


But I’m not sure there is a God!