Cure for Life, 1st edition

Cure for Life First Edition

It is about time a book like this was published. How significant that it is written by a surgeon and not a cleric.

In these days when so many are disillusioned with churches and clergymen, there is an increasing recognition that we need answers to such questions as, ‘Why are we here?’ or ‘How should we behave?’ This short book, ‘Cure for Life’ is a brilliant analysis of one person who claimed to be the answer - Jesus Christ.

The book begins by looking at who Jesus claimed to be. It then goes into considerable detail about the objective evidence to support these claims. The ancient Jewish prophecies about the coming of God’s Messiah come to life. The medical evidence that Jesus really died when crucified and yet really rose again is looked at in some detail. It is striking that the early disciples were so convinced about Jesus, that they were willing to die so that others could know about him too. There is then a summary of what he taught.

This book is a must for everyone. Perhaps the best recommendation is a comment by another reviewer:

“I have always thought of Jesus and God in a mythical way and have been bored by church services. But this book has given Christianity meaning for me. I need to know more.”

Cure for Life’ by Bernard Palmer is published by Summit Publishing Ltd, Milton Keynes, (Tel 01908 368071) and is available from most booksellers, priced £4.99. (ISBN 1-9010-7407-2)

This was the original publishers comments about the first edition of ‘Cure for Life’.




“Am I right with God?” I John