Running the Race
As we near this summer’s sporting events in Rio, we know already the footage we will see on TV and in newspapers. Athletes staring straight ahead: deep in concentration, blotting out all distraction, waiting for the starting pistol. Whatever their chosen activity, be it on the track, in the pool or on the field, this is the moment they’ve been working so hard to prepare for. At the end of their event they will be judged. Will they be greeted by rapturous cheers and glory, or crushed by the misery of disappointment?
What about us? Are we prepared for the greatest race of our lives? Are we running with determination towards life in heaven?
An Olympic runner was once asked by a Christian friend,
“How long are you going to spend your life running round in circles?”
This started the athlete wondering about the purpose of his life and how he could be sure of any answers. He began to investigate the claims of Jesus and the more he looked, the more convinced he became that this person had the answers. He had never realised that there was so much evidence that the Christian faith was true, really true. He committed himself to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Instead of running round in circles he now had a goal. He had found someone, Jesus Christ, who was able not only to forgive his previous rebellion against God but could give him a finishing line to run for.
Sometimes that finishing line can seem too far away, too intangible to think about today, right now. In a long distance race it is so easy to feel tired, distracted and even to think of giving up. This can happen to Christians just as much (if not more so!) as to marathon runners. It can happen to all of us who were involved with church at some stage of life, perhaps through parents, grandparents or Sunday School. The apostle Paul wrote to people who had lost focus,
“You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you” Galatians 5:7
Paul urges these people to get back to their race; to regroup and re-focus their eyes towards God. Perhaps, like the Galatians, you need this encouragement too – think of it as having a coach, or running buddies to keep you on track. Perhaps you want to explore whether Christianity is even the right track to be on? You would be very welcome to join us at Christchurch Baldock to work through these questions. As Jesus promised, “Ask and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7
No-one will find answers to life’s questions without seeking.
Please do consider going to a Sunday morning service in a Bible teaching church or joining in a Christianity Explored or Alpha supper where you can ask questions in an informal, friendly environment. We would love to run the race with you.